As a shiatsu therapist, neurosystemic integration coach and yoga teacher, I want to empower you to (re)discover your integrity.

Every physical and emotional symptom has its justification and is worth to be appreciated and recognized. This positive and mindful approach is the principle and basis of my work. Everything has a good reason. With this perspective it is possible to develop a new understanding of oneself. Every strategy/practice/pattern/attitude, no matter how destructive, once served to protect you. It is therefore a matter of held/stagnated life energy, (physical and emotional) which we can bring back into motion. The problem holds the solution.

I offer you space and support in your journey towards a benevolent connection to yourself.

What I say about my work

My qualifications:

  • Since March 2024 formation as an alternative practitioner in Heilpraktikerschule Johann Bihler in Munich, Germany

  • September 2023 Panchakarma, Kerala, India

  • since March 2024 formation as alternative practitioner with Johanna Bihler, Heilpratiker school

  • May 2023 Certification Coach for Neurosystemic Intergartion and Holistic Integrative Trauma Work with Verena König.

  • October 2022 Danza de la Luna with Olimallinalimetzli, Mexico.

  • May 2022 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Vinyasa Yoga with Kathee Hoverson in Boquete, Panama, recognized by Yoga Alliance

  • January 2020 Advanced training in Korean Hand Acupuressure SU JOK with CAFSE, in El Bolson, Argentina.

  • November 2020 Certification in Namikoshi Shiatsu Method at Escuela Japanesa de Shiatsu school with Pablo Lopez Quintana and Antonia León Gaméz, in Panama.

  • February 2018 Qualification as Lomi Lomi Nui practitioner in the Tao-Helath-Academy in Berlin, Germany.

  • In 2016 Diploma as GSD recognized Shiatsu practitioner at the School of Shiatsu, with Wilfried Rappenecker, Maike Kockrick and Jürgen Westhoff after four years of training, in Hamburg, Germany.

  • 2014 M.A. in Social Anthropology, Gender Studies & Political Science at the University of Hamburg, Germany.